Authentic writings
By a decree of March 20, 1762, the Holy Office (now called Sacred Congregation of the faith) declared officially as authentic writings, besides the God’s Mystical City and some letters, the following ones:
- Spiritual exercises of retreat, which the Venerable Mary of Jesus practiced and left writings to her daughters, in order that they were practicing them in the same most religious convent of the Purest Conception of the same village…
- Wife’s laws, concepts and sighs of the hearth to reach the last and real end of the consent and pleasure of the husband and Lord.
- Laws of the Wife between the daughters of Zion…
- Sighs of the soul, sustenance of the spirit in the way of this exile, anxieties of the real end for that we wait, and treated of some devotions.
- Concerts and capitulations of a little pour soul with her God and Lord. With her husband and redeemer for amendment of her life and to fulfill her obligations.
- Intentions of perfection for major good of the soul and consent of the Lord.
- Advices of perfection for the one that has to be a wife of Christ our Lord.
- Public Protestation, request and concord of this convent and barefooted nuns of the Immaculate Conception of Ágreda’s villa, to introduce for their employers and protectors, first to the sovereign Queen and Lady of the sky and earth the holiest Maria, and with her consent to the glorious prince San Miguel and to our seraphic father San Francisco.
- Answer that the Lord gave to a soul, begging it was freeing to this crown of Spain of the oppression that she suffers for the wars.
- Relación hecha por el P. Manero respondiendo a varias preguntas que le hizo éste.
- The events that have happened to me this year of 1656.
- Relation of her own life, begun to writing for mandate of her confessor (preamble and the first three chapters).