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Mystical City of God

Mystical City of God

Mystical City of God

Original title: “Mystical City of God life of Maria miracle of her omnipotence and abyss of the grace tells the history divine and life of the Virgin Mother of God, Queen and our Lady, the holiest Maria, restorer (restaurateur) of the sin of Eve and mediating of the grace, dictated and manifested in the latter centuries by the same Lady to he) slave sister Maria de Jesus unworthy abbess of this convent of the Immaculate Conception of the village of Ágreda for new light of the world, happiness of the Catholic Church and confidence of the mortal ones ”

Editorial: Fareso. Introducción, notas y edición por CELESTINO SOLAGUREN, OFM con colaboración de Ángel Martínez Moñux, OFM y Luís Villasante, OFM, Madrid 1970,  reimpresa en 1982, en 1992.
Se esta preparando nueva edición.

Topic: The Mother Maria de Jesus, for obedience to the mandate of the Lord, decides to write this “divine History and Life of the Virgin,” explanatory subtitle of the God’s Mystical City with the one that its authoress defines. It takes as a direct reference the history of the salvation of the men, which culminates in the person of Christ and his Easter mystery (SC, 5), across the Life of the blessed Mother. The pages of the Gospel and the whole Holy Writ, with the education of the liturgy and of the Teaching of the Church, will be her explanatory baseThe richness of her baroque language and the occasional resource to the works in use among the ecclesiastic contemporary writers, particularly in the so called “Lives” of the Virgin, they provide the ornamental resources to her for her symbolic narrative. It is not so much a Marian biography, accurately of information and historical facts, a description of the interior life, spiritual, of the soul of the Mother of the Lord, the full of grace (Lc 1,28) from the first instant of her being in the divine plan. The God’s Mystical City, or “divine History and Life of the Virgin Mother of God ” announces Maria’s existence from the eternal plans of the Father up to her eschatological presence in the life of the Church, of which she is her Mother and Teacher.  For the concrete facts that indicate her life: Immaculate Conception, Virginity, Divine Maternity, her association to the person and to the redeeming work of Christ Jesus, her Son; her Asuncion to the skies and maternal Mediation on the Church, sue finds her reflection in the educations of the Holy Writ a doctrine Christological-Mariological, considered like of a ” illuminated precursor ” of the Mariology of the Council Vatican  II, promoter, simultaneously, of the worship of imitation and service to the Virgin, Mother and Teacher of the Church, as Paul VI and Juan Paul II, following the Mariology of the Council, they propose in their teaching.
The Mystical City of God is one of three works of its century more times printed, together with works of St. Luís Maria Grignion de Montfort and St. Alfonso M. de Ligorio.

You can buy the book in Spanish at the Convent of the Franciscan Conceptionists in Agreda or ask for it HERE

To buy the English version of the book through Catholic Truth Publications