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350th Anniversary of the Dies Natalis of Sister Maria de Jesus de Agreda

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Coinciding with the  Year of Consecrated Life promoted  by Pope Francisco and the 5th Centenary of the Birth of St. Teresa de Jesus de Avila, the coming May 24, 2015 we will celebrate the 350th  Anniversary of the birth for heaven (Dies Natalis) of Sister Maria de Jesus de Agreda.

How it happened…

              “On May 24, 1665, Sunday of Pentecost, at the same Third hour in which the Divine Spirit came over the Apostles, and the nuns used to sing in the chorus room the “Veni Creator Spiritus” hymn; invoking herself (Sister Maria de Jesus) the coming of the Celestial Spirit, with low and devoted voice, and after repeating come, come, come, peaceful and slowly exhaled her soul  plenty  of merits and virtues, after a very painful illness, caused by a fever and aposteme in the chest that suffered patiently during eleven years. Just then she was sixty-three years old, forty six years as nun and thirty six years as Abbes.

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Madre María de Jesús de Ágreda

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