A new hope
After a distressing century of inactivity, thanks to the year 1987 -1988 dedicated to Mary a new hope started to shine. It was obtained the approval for the publication of an informative leaflet about the Cause, which started in 1988. They got the authorisation to move The Venerable´s relics from the museum of the monastery to its Church; it took place on May 20th 1989. The same year the bishop from Osma-Soria raised to the Holy See a petition to carry out some investigations so as to favour the accusations clarification. After a parenthesis of almost a year in which the dossier requested by the Congregation for the Cause of the Saints was done; a theologian, pointed out by the same Congregation, was put in charged of a study about the whole problem. John Duns Scotus´ beatification, in 1991, opened a new hope for Mother Agreda´s rehabilitation.